Thursday, June 24, 2010

E-payment of provident fund

   Members and beneficiaries of Employees Provident Fund can now avail e-payment facility for quick credit of money directly to their bank accounts against their claims in Form 19 and 10C, informed the Regional Provident Fund Commissioner through a press release.

The release further added that it is mandatory to enclose an attested copy of the first page of their bank pass book along with the claim and other relevant documents to avail this facility. The claimant’s mobile phone number should also be furnished for communication purposes.

Musical concert

GUWAHATI, June 23 – As part of the year-long golden jubilee celebration of Doordarshan, a Western musical concert ‘The Golden Odyssey-2’ will be presented on June 27 at Rabindra Bhawan at 5.30 pm. Participants from Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Sikkim, Mizoram and Manipur will render their best numbers in the concert. Eminent singer Lau Majaw of Meghalaya will inaugurate the concert.

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