Staff Side Leader of National Anomaly Committee Sri. M.Raghavaiah has explained the outcome of the second anomaly committee meeting briefly to the General Secretaries of affiliated unions of National Federation of Indian Railwaymen (NFIR), in his website
The full text as reported by the Leader (Staff side), National Anomaly committee, in his website, is reproduced below...
dated 27.3.2010
The General Secretaries of
affiliated Unions of NFIR.
Dear brothers,
Sub:- National Anomaly Committee Meeting held at North Block, New Delhi on 27.3.2010
Conclusions on important issues pertaining to Anomalies as a result of discussions in to-day’s meeting are mentioned below:-
1.Anomaly due to postponement of increment in the case of those whose increment has fallen from February to June, 2006:-:
After discussions, it was agreed to issue orders for rectifying the anomaly. We have suggested that in all those cases the annual increment may be pre-dated to 1.1.2006. We are hopeful that order as demanded will be issued.
2. Various aberrations in the Modified Assured Career Progressive Scheme (MACPS):-
The Chairman of the National Anomaly Committee has decided to constitute a Joint Committee to deal all such aberrations and submit its report for the Government to take decision. Very soon a Joint Committee will be constituted. Affiliates are free to furnish the deficiencies of the scheme to NFIR immediately.
3. Junior drawing higher pay than the Senior :-
The Chairman has advised Railways to collect data and furnish to DOPT and Ministry of Finance for taking appropriate corrective steps.
4. Health Insurance Scheme recommended by VI CPC – Implementation of the recommendations:-
The Chairman has assured that without prior consultations, the scheme shall not be finalised and allowances such as Risk Allowance, Patient Care Allowance etc. will continue till the final decision is taken.
5. VI CPC pay fixation – Grant of another option to the staff:-
The Chairman said that the proposal for delegation of powers is under process and very soon this will be finalised.
6. Revision of medical allowance to the Pensioners :-
Under consideration. The issue is now before the Committee of the Secretaries. The Chairman has assured to see that processing is speeded up.
7. Denial of increment due to absence without pay:-
We have explained the grave implications of the Government’s. decision and demanded that the increment should be granted when the employee has put in six months qualifying service in a year. It was agreed to consider and rectify the anomalous situation.
Yours fraternally,
(M. Raghavaiah)
General Secretary
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