Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Govt implementing One-Rank One-Pension for ex-servicemen

A representation of the Lion Capital of Ashoka...Image via Wikipedia

Appealing to ex-servicemen not to take the extreme step of returning their gallantry awards, government today said it has started implementing recommendations of the high level panel on One-Rank One-Pension.

However, Defence Minister A K Antony said in the Rajya Sabha that implementing the award in one go was difficult.

"In one stretch, we will not be able to implement it but we are near that goal... it is a long process," he said.

He said the government has implemented all recommendations of the committee headed by the Cabinet Secretary which went into the demands for One-Rank One-Pension.

This would have a financial implication of Rs 2,200 crore and would help 12 lakh ex-servicemen, he said.
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