Frequently Asked Question about Delhi Health Service
Ques 1: Whether the Govt of National Capital Territory of Delhi has formed its own cadre?
Answer: Yes. The GNCT Delhi has decided to form its own cadre of doctors namely ‘Delhi Health Service’.
Ques. 2: What shall be the constitution of Delhi Health Service (DHS)?
Answer: Initially, DHS will comprise of doctors appointed by GNCT, Delhi on contract basis and the doctors of Non-Teaching and GDMO sub-cadre of Central Health Service posted with GNCT, Delhi who have opted for DHS.
Ques 3: Whether the doctors of Teaching Sub-cadre of CHS posted with GNCT,Delhi would also be a part of DHS?
Answer: At present, the doctors belonging to Non-Teaching and GDMO sub-cadre of CHS who have opted for DHS would be joining DHS. Separation of Teaching Specialists sub-cadre will be considered at a later stage.
Ques 4: Whether the Govt of India has granted permission to GNCT,Delhi to form its own cadre ‘DHS’ with the doctors of CHS?
Answer: Yes. The Govt of India has conveyed its No Objection to the formation of ‘Delhi Health Service’ by GNCT, Delhi, initially with the doctors belonging to Non-Teaching and GDMO sub-cadre of CHS and posted with GNCT, Delhi.
Ques 5: Whether the Govt of India has granted permission to GNCT,Delhi to seek option form doctors of CHS?
Answer: Yes. The Govt of India has approved the draft advertisement to be issued by GNCT, Delhi for seeking options from CHS doctors posted with GNCT,Delhi.
Ques 6: What is the normal procedure of seeking option in case of formation of new cadre from existing cadre (CHS in this case)?
Answer: Normal procedure followed in case of formation of new cadre from existing cadre is to seek options from the incumbents holding postings in the proposed cadre. The same procedure is being followed in the case of formation of DHS out of CHS.
Ques 7: What shall be the Terms and Conditions of new Service?
Answer: Govt of NCT,Delhi has already mentioned in the Advertisement issued by them on 2.2.2007 for seeking option that the terms and conditions of the new service shall be similar to that of any other Group ‘A’ Service of GNCT,Delhi. However, the GNCT, Delhi has clarified that broadly speaking the terms and conditions of service for the members of the new Group ‘A’ service shall be similar to those of CHS doctors of Govt of India..
Ques 8: Whether RRs and cadre structure in DHS will be same as that of CHS?
Answer: The GNCT, Delhi has clarified that broadly speaking the terms and conditions of service for the members of the new Group ‘A’ service shall be similar to those of CHS of Govt of India.
Ques 9: Can an officer of CHS who opted for DHS, retain lien in CHS?
Answer: No.
Ques 10: Can a CHS officer who has opted to remain in CHS, be posted outside Delhi?
Answer: It has already been clarified in the advertisement issued by GNCT Delhi on 2.2.2007 for seeking options that doctors reverting to CHS from GNCT,Delhi are liable to be posted anywhere in India.
Quest 11: Where are vacancies available in CHS?
Answer: The details of vacancies in various sub-cadres of CHS are available on this Ministry’s website (http//mohfw.nic/chs.html).
Ques 12: Whether the age of superannuation of Specialist doctors of CHS i.e 62 years, will remain the same in case of a CHS officer opted for DHS?
Answer: The age of superannuation has been enhanced by Central Govt in respect of doctors belonging to Specialists sub-cadre of CHS only. Once a doctor joins DHS, his service will be regulated by the Service Rules of DHS to be framed by GNCT, Delhi and RRs to be notified by GNCT,Delhi, in consultation with UPSC. So it cannot be said that the GNCT would adopt the age of superannuation as available in CHS, for DHS doctors. However, the GNCT, Delhi has clarified that broadly speaking the terms and conditions of service for the members of the new Group ‘A’ service shall be similar to those of CHS of Govt of India..
Ques 13: Whether the CHS doctors opting for DHS will be eligible for same post retirement benefits as in case of CHS?
Answer: Once a doctor joins DHS, his service including retirement benefits will be regulated by the Service Rules of DHS to be framed by GNCT, Delhi. So it cannot be said that the GNCT would adopt the same Rules as applicable to Central Govt employees. However, the GNCT, Delhi has clarified that broadly speaking the terms and conditions of service for the members of the new Group ‘A’ service shall be similar to those of CHS doctors of Govt of India.
Ques 14: Whether there will any change in Pay scale, NPA & promotional avenues on joining DHS?
Answer: Please see reply of Question-12.
Ques 15: Whether any Anomalies committee will be set up to settle the aberrations in future arising out of the constitution of Delhi Health Service?
Answer: Anomaly Committee is generally set up to settle the pay-anomalies arising out of implementation of recommendations of Pay Commission. Since this is not a case of implementation of Pay Commission recommendations, there arises no question to set up an Anomaly Committee.
Ques 16: How the inter-se-seniority of all those who opted for DHS would be fixed?
Answer: The matter of inter-se-seniority of all those who are appointed as part of the initial constitution of DHS shall be determined by GNCT, Delhi.
Ques 17: Whether an officer of CHS has to resign form CHS before joining DHS and if so, whether his application need to be routed through M/O Health & Family Welfare, GOI.
Answer: There is no need to resign from CHS. Once a CHS officer has opted for DHS, he would be deemed to have severed all connections with CHS and shall automatically be treated as having resigned from CHS technically. He need not require to submit any application to Ministry of Health & Family Welfare in this regard.
Ques 18: Whether the CHS has so many vacancies to accommodate the CHS officers reverting from GNCT, Delhi?
Answer: This will depend upon the number of officers who would like to remain in CHS.
Ques 19: Is it necessary for a CHS officer to route his/her application and bio-data for availing option through MOH &FW, GOI which is his cadre controlling authority?
Answer: No. It is not necessary for any CHS officer to route his/her application and bio-data for availing option through MOH &FW, GOI which is his cadre controlling authority. He/She can send his option directly to GNCT, Delhi.
Ques 20: What shall be effect for adoption in DHS to persons who have pending service related court cases.
Answer: The liability on this account shall be inherited by GNCT, Delhi.
Disclaimer:- The above information is only informatory and cannot be quoted /used in official communications or court matters.
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