Thlru. R. Thiagarajan, l.A.S.,
Special Secretary to Government
Finance (BPE) Department,
Chennal — 600 009
Letter No. 7677/ BPE / 2011 / Dated: 15.02.2011
The Chief Executive Officers of all
State Public Sector Undertakings / Boards
Sub: Sanction of conveyance allowance to the differently abled employees — extension to employees of PSUs/Boards — Reg.
1. G.O.Ms.No.667, Finance, dt. 27.6.1989.
2. G.O.Ms.No.203, Fin (PC) dept. dt. 16.3.1993.
3. Govt. Lr. No. 1494/BPE/93-l/Dt. 14.9.1993
4. G.O.Ms.No.445, Fin (PC) Dept. dt. 31 .8.1998.
5. Govt. Lr.No. 2713/BPE/98/dt. 3.3.1999.
6. G.O.Ms.No. 236, Fin (PC) dept. dt.1.6.2009.
7. Govt. Lr.No. 37010/BPE/2009-1/dt. 14.7.2009.
8. G.O.Ms.No. 391, Fin (All) Dept. dl. 7.10.2010.
I am directed to state that the Government in the G.O. first cited have ordered for payment of conveyance allowance at 5% of Basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs.50/- p.m. to the blind and orthopaedically handicapped employees of State Government subject to conditions specified therein and in GO. second cited, orders have been issued enhancing the ceiling on Conveyance Allowance to the blind and orthopaedically handicapped employees of State Government from Rs. 50/- to Rs.75/-p.m. In the Government letter third cited, these orders were extended to the employees of State Public Sector Undertakings/Boards from the date of adoption of the G.O. by the Boards of Directors. In G.O. fourth cited, the above ceiling limit has been enhanced from Rs. 75/- to Rs. 150/- p.m. In the letter fifth cited, the above G.O. has been extended for adoption after placing the matter before the Board of Directors. In the G.O. sixth cited, among other things, the Conveyance Allowance to Orthopaedically handicapped employees has been doubled from Rs.150/- p.m. to Rs.300/- p.m. In Government letter seventh cited, it has been indicated, to place the above G.O. before the Board for adoption in respect of only those allowances which are being drawn by the employees of State Public Sector Undertakings/Boards. Now, in the G.O. eighth cited, the ceiling limit for differently abled persons has been enhanced from Rs. 300/- to Rs.1000/-. These orders have not been extended to the employees of Public Sector Undertakings / Boards.
2. The Government after careful consideration of the matter direct that the orders issued in G.O. eighth cited be extended to the differently abled employees of your Corporation / Board after placing the matter before the Board of Directors. Considering the meagre percentage of differently abled employees in each State Public Sector Undertakings / Boards and less financial implication etc., and as a goodwill gesture towards such differently abled employees employed in State Public Sector Undertakings / Boards, the enhanced ceiling limit of Rs. 1000/- to such employees shall be given with effect from 1.10.2010 as ordered by Government for differently abled Government employees.
Yours faithfully,
for Special Secretai to Government.
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