Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
Directorate of Estates
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated 31.01.2013
Office Memorandum
Subject : Allotment of General Pool residential accommodation (C-I houses to Secretary/Secretary equivalent officers and Chairpersons / Members of Commission / Tribunals etc.
Attention is invited to this Directorate's O.M. of even number dated 11.09.2007 modified vid. OM dated 08.10.2010 and 29.12.2011 wherein decision to allot C-I houses among Secretaries, Secretory equivalent officers and Chairpersons/Members of Commissions / Tribunals in the ratio of 2:1:1 and to prepare three waiting Lists i.e. List-A, List-B and List-C was communicated. Further it was also decided vide OM dated 11.05.2011 that no HAG officer waiting in list A or list B will be allotted C-I house If an Apex Grade officer is waiting in the other list. Thus, HAG officers will be allotted C-I houses only after meeting the claim of the Secretary/Secretary equivalent officers irrespective of availability of units as per the above ratio.
Considering the improved availability of houses in higher categories after redevelopment of New Moti Bagh Complex, the issue has been re-examined in the Ministry and it has been decided that allotment of C-I houses will now be made in the ratio of 1:1:1 among Secretary/Secretary equivalent officers and Chairmen/Members of eligible Commissions etc. instead of the existing ratio of 2:1:1.
This issue with the approval of UDM.
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