Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Fixed Medical Allowance to railway beneficiaries of New Pension Scheme drawing additional relief on death /disability of railway servants


No. PC-VI/ 311    RBE No. 05/2013.
No. PC-V/2010/A/Med./1  
New Delhi, dated 22-01-2013.

The General Manager

All Indian Railways & Pus
(As per mailing list)

Sub:- Fixed Medical Allowance to railway beneficiaries of New Pension Scheme drawing additional relief on death /disability of railway servants

The Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) is granted,to Railway pensioners/family pensioners in terms of instructions, contained in Board's letter dated 21-4-99, 1-3-2004 and subsequent clarifications issued from time to time.

Grant of FMA to the railway beneficiaries of NPS drawing additional relief on death /disability of railway servant in terms of Board's letter No. 2008/AC-I1/21/19 dated 29-5-2009 has been examined in consultation with Department of Pension and Pensioners' Welfare. Since in terms of para 602 of IRMM-2000, railway employees are entitled for medical attendance and treatment facilities, free of charge, the NPS railway pensioners drawing additional relief on death/disability of Railway servant in terms of Board's letter dated 29-5-2009 and staying beyond 2.5 KMs from the nearest Railway Hospital/Health unit can get a RELHS card by paying necessary amount to enable them to obtain indoor treatment. They are also entitled to draw FMA as fixed by the Government. The necessary amount for getting RELHS Card as prescribed in Board's letter No 2003/H/28/1/RETES dt. 16.3.2009 are as under:-

1 The employees who have already retaired

A sum equivalent to double the amount of revised basic pension after the implementation of VIth CPC.


Family pensioners

A sum equivalent to double the amount of revised family pension after the implementation of VIth CPC

As and when the Health Insurance is introduced in Railways, the New Pension Scheme railway pensioners would be shifted to the Health Insurance Scheme.

3. These orders are issued with the concurrence by Health and Finance Directorates of the Ministry of Railways.


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