No. 21/11/2010CS.I(U)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
Department of Personnel & Training
2nd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi
Dated: 4th Februrary 2013
Subject:Launching of Web Based software solution for Cadre Management of CSS
The undersigned is to refer to this Department’s d.o. letter of even number dated 15th June 2012 and subsequent communications on the subject mentioned above. CS Division, Department of Personnel & Training is the cadre controlling authority for the three Central Secretariat Services viz. Central Secretariat Service (CSS), Central Secretariat Stenographers Service (CSSS) and Central Secretariat Clerical Service (CSCS). The cadre management functions of these services are being carried out through paper communications. It involves manual updatation of data by keeping track of each and every cadre management activity which is found to be a cumbersome task and unreliable as many of the orders issued by Ministries/Departments for posting/ transfer/ relieving on deputation / disciplinary proceedings are not received by CS Division. Absence of accurate, updated information leads to delay in carrying out cadre management activities and avoidable reworking.
2. To obviate various difficulties presently being faced in the cadre management activities, this Department has undertaken the task of development of a web based cadre management system for the three Central Secretariat Services. The software has since been developed
and is being tested at CS Division level.
3. The software has also been hosted in a test server at URL The system is intended for the following users:
source – persmin
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