Friday, February 15, 2013

NPS- Corporate Sector Model - Discontinuation of ‘Corporate- CG scheme.’ for new corporates joining NPS

Pension Fund Regulatory and Development AuthorIty
1st Floor, ICADR BulldIng, PIot No. 6. Vasant Kunj
Institutional Area Phase II, New Delhi-110070



Date 12th February 2013

SUBJECT : NPS- Corporate Sector Model - Discontinuation of ‘Corporate- CG scheme.’ for new corporates joining NPS.

It has been decided, with immediate effect, to withdraw the option of Corporate- CG scheme under the NPS-Corporate Sector Model except for those corporates which have opted for it already. However, corporates / subscribers will continue to have the flexibility of choosing the investment pattern, with any PFM of their choice, wherein, if they so desires, they can align their asset mix with Govt. mandated investment pattern.

2. Henceforth, no further switchover to or opting of Corporate - CG scheme shall be permitted to the Corporates.

Deepa Kotnis
(Chief General Manager)


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