Thursday, February 21, 2013

Payment on the basis of PPOs issued revising pension of Pre-06 pensioners: Clarification thereof

Sub: - Payment on the basis of PPOs issued revising pension of Pre-06 pensioners: Clarification thereof

Consequent upon implementation of pay commissions from time to time, pension/family pension of Defence pensioners (including defence civilians) are revised by the Pension Disbursing Authorities on the basis of circulars issued by this office. But pensioners were not satisfied with this practice since long and were demanding for issue of fresh PPO enababling them with correct rate of their entitlement. Though this work was not easy with regard to defence pensioners, however, a drive has been initiated under Project Sangam to issue Corr. PPO indicating the entitlement of pension after revising it under 6th CPC recommendations/orders. PPOs issued under this project will bear the following numbers:-

(a) In respect of Defence civilian pensioners/family pensioners
(i)    C/Corr/6th CPC/00001/2012 onwards for family pension
(ii)    C/Corr/6th CPC/FP/00001/2012 onwards for pension
(b) In respect of Defence pensioners
(i) S/Corr/6th CPC/000001/2012 onwards.

While issuing PPOs under above project all Corr. PPO issued earlier through computer have been referred therein and entitlement is revised accordingly. However, some PPOs issued earlier manually in compliance of Hon'ble Court orders, which are of specific rate/entitlement based on special Govt. sanction accorded for the purpose could not be accommodated in the existing software
programme. Due to non acceptance of above said manual PPOs, the rates/entitlement of pension mentioned in PPO generated under Project Sangam defers from the entitlement mentioned in manual PPO notified earlier in compliance of Court Order.

It is, therefore, requested that on receipt of any PPO issued under project Sangam as stated above, the same may please be checked before acting upon to confirm whether any manual PPO has been issued earlier and if so, the rate mentioned in manual PPO and revision carried out by PDA subsequently if works out to be more beneficial than the PPO issued under Project Sangam, the payment at former rate(i.e. rate mentioned in manual PPO) may be continued ignoring the latter PPO.



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