Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Request to increase basic tax exemption limit from 2 lakh to 4 lakh, and 4.5 lakh in case of women-AIRF LETTER


D.O.No.AIRF/249                                                                                      Dated: February 18, 2013

Resp. Shri P. Chidambaram Ji,

Sub: Request to increase basic tax exemption limit from  2 lakh to  4 lakh, and  4.5 lakh   in case of women

Indian Railways is the biggest employer in India and a vast majority of Railway employees want the Finance Minister to raise salary exemption limit of Income Tax to  4 lakh and  4.5 lakhs to women in the
coming Union Budget so that they are left with more purchasing power.
Transportation Allowance granted to the employees to commute between the place of work and  residence is tax-free to the extent of  800 per month. This limit was fixed more than a decade ago and
needs to be revised upwards, given rising commuting costs across the country. In this context, it is pertinent to mention that the matter is pending with the CBDT for a long time. Therefore, this also needs to be revised immediately.

More so, the slab of tax-free income has not moved up in line with real inflationary rates in the last
few years.

Therefore, it is strongly urged to examine the above issues and favourable instructions may please be issued early so that the same could be incorporated in the Union Budget to be presented shortly in the Parliament.

With kind regards!

Shiva Gopal Mishra
(General Secretary)

Shri P. Chidambaram,
Hon’ble Finance Minister,
(Government of India),
Ministry of Finance,
North Block,
New Delhi

Copy to: General Secretaries, all affiliated unions - for information.


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