General Pay Revision-Fixation of Pay in the revised scales-No adherence-further orders issued.
Dated, Thiruvananthapuram, 17th December 2012.
In all General Pay Revision Orders, rules of fixation of pay along with conditions to exercise option to come over to the revised scale of pay with effect from the date of effect of concerned pay revision or with effect from any subsequent date that an employee opts have been clearly stipulated. A time limit of six months is also allowed for exercising option. If no option is exercised within the period of six months from the date of order revising the scale of pay, the Government servant will be deemed to have opted for the scale with effect from the date of effect of the pay revision and pay fixed on that basis by the officer competent to fix the employees pay. It has come to the notice of Government that employees are still continuing in the pre-revised scales of pay after the implementation of the 9th pay revision orders. The continuance of pre-revised scales of pay by employees is against the fixation rules stipulated in the respective pay revision orders issued by Government causing much administrative inconvenience.
In the above circumstances, all Heads of Departments are hereby directed to strictly adhere to the rules of fixation of pay stipulated in the pay revision orders and fix the pay of employees in the revised scales treating the date of effect of the respective pay revision as the date of option for coming into the revised scale and strictly proceed to fix the pay accordingly within 3 months, in the case of employees who have not so far opted earlier pay revisions and the present pay revision, except in the cases of specific court orders.
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